Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Happy Monster!

A fetish it seems to me to be me ,
Flamboyant and yet cruel.
When I walk carelessly,
I am mostly thinking happy thoughts.
But as I continue to feel reality,
It makes me nervous and
dilutes my happiness into worry.
Happiness is temporary just like
My likes.So I continue to
Scamper through people,
And hold on to my happiness,
Of course,I cant.I stop walking
In spite of not reaching my
Destination.No, I did have a cat
Cross my way.Superstitions are
For the ones who blame their
Destiny for their troubled lives.
I am not like that,I am too,
Careless to see the World,
Happening around me.But,
I missed him,I missed, the
Reason for my happy thoughts.
He had seen me though,he
Confessed later.He said that I was,
Pathetic.I looked like I was ,
Troubled.He was a friend who had
Made me smile ,yesterday.How,
could he have not had seen the
Joy in my eyes while I,
glittered with great and happy
Feelings?He answered,
Stupid,I can read your,
Mind.You were too worried,
To lose the Happiness that,
I gave you.But you will lose,
IT.You will die!Because LIFE,
would be not a happy thing,
If you had it forever.
So enjoy while it lasts,to
enjoy your Happiness
which is surprisingly LIFE for
You!I smiled and said that
I am a monster,a happy
One.He laughed,God Laughed.
He said nothing,he just walked
Away to be with me as I shared
My monster-like life!