Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Love me or just dont but dont break my heart!!

Listen to me when I am whining,
I need not any consolling or solutions.

Hug me back when I hug you,
I dont need the hug but You need to.

Kiss me when I am angry with you,
Not to stop me from being angry at you ,
But to show that you still love me.

Say "I love you",
If you really do.

Dont say "You look beautiful"
When am not.....just add a "for me" before the clause.

Smile at me when you think I am being stupid or acting like one,
Because the reason for my stupidity is you smile.

Drag me into your problems,
I know I cant solve them but
I could just make your problems more adaptable to you.

Love me not because You dont love any other girl.
Love me like I am the only girl for you.

But please,
leave me when you dont need me,
Just let me know about it.
I dont want others to tell me that.

I love you unconditonally,
But I will part with you under conditions.

You are not my life,
You are just a peice of it but the one that can link the other peices of my life.

I am here,
Not waiting for you when you leave me.
Because I appreciate your decision but not your fickleness.

Love someone else,
But let me know,
Because someone else may be not better than you,
Is waiting for me to love him.
One who loves me .
I know I am difficult to be loved,
I know I am not God but You aint so either.
Love is no joke for me,
But I dont want to be painfully in love with you.

Stop it!!Go away.
You dont deserve any explanations from me,
Coz You dont explain to me.

This is my life!
Let go off me..Just tell me so.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

A Feeling I had Today...is retrospect to my life now...it was school

I had a seriously hectic day today in college inspite of the fact that I did not attend any classes because there were not any.But all that was happening was a lot of mayhem over the registration for our semester finals.Also I did not have my stupid CQ examinations.But as soon as I left college with a friend Priyok and waited for the retrospect to happen, I felt great.When it really happened,it even felt better.I saw and felt my three most valuable friends.....Krishna ,Shiby and Divi. I realised how miserable I was without them because when I was with them I was so complete.Men may not be able to complete a woman's life but i know my friends can....my school friends.....the 3 of them.I love them.They do not always agree to me or support me but I know they do care......and the quality of the care they have for me or even each other is far beyond the understanding of anyone who has not felt what I felt today.I can live my life a single if only I hav them around me.Maybe I love Ashish more but I cant live without the 3 beautiful people.I miss them even as I type these words.I wish we lived together.I wish we were a family.We would be so happier.I love being loved and so do they and thats what I love about them.Its not just about loving its also about getting it back...that is when true love happens..Love in friends according to me is romantic in a different way...the romance in Poetry or literature....nothing to do with a man and a woman or homosexuals and bisexuals....just friends............

love you girls(Krishna Shiby and Divi)